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Balancing life, family and studying

ZaTablerZaTabler Alum Member
in General 513 karma

Hey all! Hope all is well. I'm starting to take full tests in preparation for the June LSAT. I'm averaging 161 thus far and would like to be around 165.

Any tips?

Also, with a 2 week old baby, working a job (quit my 2nd to study more), family life, and household obligations... how do you guys find a balance?


    edited May 2018 94 karma

    Wow, I give you a lot of credit for studying full time and having a 2 week old baby !!!! That must be chaotic for me if I have to do that. I try to manage my family and studying life at an equal value and it actually works out for me. I study full time from 8 am to 4pm and having my time with my family in the evening. I have a cousin who just had a baby boy not even a week ago, and I see her sleepless hours to watch the baby : ( So I know how hard it is to watch a baby and do your own studying simultaneously. You are very inspiring !! Best of luck to your June LSAT and congratulations for your baby !!!

  • ZaTablerZaTabler Alum Member
    513 karma

    @Alohalena thank you so much for your inspiring words

  • JoHutchinsJoHutchins Member
    13 karma

    @ZaTabler, congratulations on your baby! Unfortunately, I don't have all of the answers... my husband and I just try and do the best we can with scheduling intentional time that is strictly for each other, or housework, etc. However, if you figure out the secret, please share! ;) In all seriousness though, hats off to you for doing it all! Remember... this is temporary! You can do it!!

  • MicolashMicolash Member
    218 karma

    Hello! While I do not have a baby, I definitely know what it's like to have a full schedule with limited time for studying. I currently work two jobs on top of full time classes, so most times, I'm up at 7 AM and I don't get home until 7 PM and on certain days, 9 PM. What I try to do is bring my material with me wherever I go. This means printing out questions that I have trouble with and treating them like "flashcards" whenever I have a bit of downtime or in break between classes. Or if I have an hour or two, I have a laptop with me that I can pull out and review some 7Sage lessons. Sometimes I can't always have my laptop or prep books with me, so I try to keep a notebook and minimal printouts handy, like a page of some questions I've had some trouble with. Thankfully, my work isn't always too crazy so I have some downtime, but not much. Finally, I treat almost everything in life as a "LSAT question." I look at academic reading and conversations I have and try to practice logical reasoning concepts. I have an extremely strong motivation to do the very best I can on the LSAT. For me, the LSAT is the only way I can make up for the mistakes of my past so I live and breathe it as much as I can. I make no excuses for myself and the LSAT is the first thing I think of and see in the morning and the last thing I see and think of at night. Even if it's been a fourteen hour day for me and I'm tired as all hell, I come back and review until I know for sure my brain can't stuff any more information down.

    Much of that has been sharing my story and not really giving you any advice! So sorry! But the motivation is definitely important and I'd definitely recommend finding time all throughout the day to practice and keep the LSAT in mind as much as you can. I remember one of JY's lessons where he mentioned that he would print out the questions he had problems with and keep it in his pocket to look at whenever he had time. Like it or not, if you want to score high, the LSAT has got to be a part of your daily routine.

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    This isn't really about studying, but maybe talk to the baby about the LSAT and tell him/her LSAT stories. And also tell him/her that he/she can be anything he/she wants to be in life--keep chasing dreams.

  • Krystell C.Krystell C. Member
    72 karma

    @ZaTabler re: balance I can't tell you how many times I've stressed about the effectiveness of my study/life schedule. Ultimately, people's learning capabilities, habits, and lifestyle vary so we all progress differently on our LSAT journey. I think you are a rock star for managing all that you do and still scoring in the 160's. I've also asked myself this question many times and realized that there is no such thing as balance, for me at least, but there is consistency. Some days I study for hours and other days I don't study at all, but I always find time to study or read discussion forums to keep the momentum going. It's not a perfect balance, but it's working for me.

    re: tips I would highly recommend posting in the discussion forums. 7Sagers are very active in forums and will gladly provide advice, tips, or resources that will help you improve on whatever areas you need help in.

    @Micolash "Like it or not, if you want to score high, the LSAT has got to be a part of your daily routine." YES. Agreed times 1,000.

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