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Study: to continue with LR curriculum or simultaneously start LG

keepgoing.keepgoing. Member
edited June 2018 in General 365 karma

Hello my fellow 7sagers.
I need opinions/advice. so I have been completing the 7sage cirrculum as per usual - currently STILL in the must be true Logical resoning section. I want to the write the september or Nov. lsat and im feeling like I should have started logic games section by now.

DO you reccomend I continue following the cirriculum order - and slowly go through LR as I currently am, and start logic games when I get there? orrrrr what if I started that section of cirriculum too and alternated between LR and LG studying 2 hours LR and 2 hours LG. or LR one day and LG one day? or is that too much brain fuckery? I thought it would help prevent burnout from one section (LR)....and also get me ready for LG. i study 4 hours max daily.. :(

I just feel like im going through the cirriculum slower than most and panicking I wont have enough time to improve on LG. since it is already June & I totally suck at them. BLAH. I'm also struggling with Must be True section of LR - feeling quite discouraged to even move forward. :(

any suggestions with regards to studying both sections or staying on one .. i feel like im moving at the pace of a turtle...
or any advice for the discouragement I feel :( with MBT Q's & continuing the cirriculum regardless..
thank you all
you're the best :)


  • _oshun1__oshun1_ Alum Member
    3652 karma

    Do the LR section first. It’s the foundation for LG. Practice diagramming out the conditional logic in the LR qs when you can.
    If you’re feeling discouraged by MBT qs then keep working on that. If you put more time up front you’ll score better when you start PTing. Once you get to the LG section you can keep drilling LR sections every other day or however you see fit.

  • 5MoreMinPlease5MoreMinPlease Yearly Member
    128 karma

    @"surfy surf" What if instead of LG, we concurrently study Reading Comp?

  • keets993keets993 Alum Member 🍌
    6050 karma

    Stick with LR. I took a LONG time with LR and honestly I thought it was worth it. I did have to push my date but I've found that what I've learned has been really beneficial for LG and RC. Especially since you say you're struggling with MBT, it won't get any easier. The foundational logic you learn in MBT will also help you chain conditionals in LG, which is essential to success on in/out games and even sequencing.

    @ILikeCereal so about 80% of RC questions are MBT/inference or most strongly supported question types. The others include parallel reasoning, main point, argument part, method of reasoning, and point at issue. I'd recommend sticking to the curriculum the way it is. When I first went through the 7sage curriculum about 2 years ago it was jumbled: LR with LG and RC in between. I think the way they have it now is much better.

  • _oshun1__oshun1_ Alum Member
    3652 karma

    @ILikeCereal said:
    @"surfy surf" What if instead of LG, we concurrently study Reading Comp?

    Same answer. LR is also the foundation for RC. When you get to the RC part, you can drill LR along with the CC

  • keepgoing.keepgoing. Member
    365 karma

    @keets993 said:
    Stick with LR. I took a LONG time with LR and honestly I thought it was worth it. I did have to push my date but I've found that what I've learned has been really beneficial for LG and RC. Especially since you say you're struggling with MBT, it won't get any easier. The foundational logic you learn in MBT will also help you chain conditionals in LG, which is essential to success on in/out games and even sequencing.

    @ILikeCereal so about 80% of RC questions are MBT/inference or most strongly supported question types. The others include parallel reasoning, main point, argument part, method of reasoning, and point at issue. I'd recommend sticking to the curriculum the way it is. When I first went through the 7sage curriculum about 2 years ago it was jumbled: LR with LG and RC in between. I think the way they have it now is much better.

    Thank you for the advice!! appreciate it. @keets993
    Can I ask How long did it take you to get through the whole cirrciulum?? I am trying to figure out if i'm rushing myself too much

  • keets993keets993 Alum Member 🍌
    6050 karma

    I think I spent like 6 months on LR alone. LR was always my worst, by a lot. And my issues with RC were related to LR. I also wasn't super confident with LG - in the explanation videos JY always goes "if this wasn't obvious you need to revisit the lessons again" and that would apply to me. Contrapositives and other lawgic covered wasn't something I was super fluent with but this time I didn't move on from those lessons till I could do those flashcards subconsciously.

    It also took me a while because I blind reviewed everything. I blind reviewed the questions before watching JYs explanations, blind reviewed every question on problem sets. Wrote out detailed explanations for each, spending about 30 mins to an hour on just one question. Sometimes, I would spend a whole day just BR-ing one problem set. It was worth it, I mean it's not like I'm JY now but I've noticed my reasoning evolve. I used to get so worried because most people said they took about 3 months to get through the entire curriculum, but you know I'm not part of that group of most people (I've reminded myself of NA questions here). I still haven't done all of the problem sets because there's so much content in ultimate plus. I also implemented a method where I did a couple problem sets for each type and as I progress through the curriculum, I would go back and do a couple more problem sets for those questions to refresh myself. This also illustrated how everything is related because my understanding of one question type aided me in others. This also allowed me to get exposure to more difficult questions to a type I was previously familiar with.

    I also started foolproofing LG while going through the curriculum. So, I'm actually not done the curriculum yet. I've foolproofed more than 40 games already before even getting to grouping games.

    I'm trying to bridge the gap between what people actually categorize as post curriculum strategies and trying to implement them into the curriculum. Mainly because in the past, I had the experience of jumping into PT's before I was confident with my foundational knowledge base. So it was a mess because I didn't even know what was wrong because of lack of timing as opposed to lack of fundamentals.

    Now I'm trying to make sure that I have the foundations down before worrying about timing. It's cliché but confidence in your reasoning (which you build during BR!!) is what helps with your timing.

    This isn't for the faint of heart or those with limited time but I was prepared to study for this test full-time for a year or more to get a score I'd be satisfied with. I've also become more confident during this period, so y'know improvements for my overall life.

  • keepgoing.keepgoing. Member
    365 karma

    @keets993 said:
    I think I spent like 6 months on LR alone. LR was always my worst, by a lot. And my issues with RC were related to LR. I also wasn't super confident with LG - in the explanation videos JY always goes "if this wasn't obvious you need to revisit the lessons again" and that would apply to me. Contrapositives and other lawgic covered wasn't something I was super fluent with but this time I didn't move on from those lessons till I could do those flashcards subconsciously.

    It also took me a while because I blind reviewed everything. I blind reviewed the questions before watching JYs explanations, blind reviewed every question on problem sets. Wrote out detailed explanations for each, spending about 30 mins to an hour on just one question. Sometimes, I would spend a whole day just BR-ing one problem set. It was worth it, I mean it's not like I'm JY now but I've noticed my reasoning evolve. I used to get so worried because most people said they took about 3 months to get through the entire curriculum, but you know I'm not part of that group of most people (I've reminded myself of NA questions here). I still haven't done all of the problem sets because there's so much content in ultimate plus. I also implemented a method where I did a couple problem sets for each type and as I progress through the curriculum, I would go back and do a couple more problem sets for those questions to refresh myself. This also illustrated how everything is related because my understanding of one question type aided me in others. This also allowed me to get exposure to more difficult questions to a type I was previously familiar with.

    I also started foolproofing LG while going through the curriculum. So, I'm actually not done the curriculum yet. I've foolproofed more than 40 games already before even getting to grouping games.

    I'm trying to bridge the gap between what people actually categorize as post curriculum strategies and trying to implement them into the curriculum. Mainly because in the past, I had the experience of jumping into PT's before I was confident with my foundational knowledge base. So it was a mess because I didn't even know what was wrong because of lack of timing as opposed to lack of fundamentals.

    Now I'm trying to make sure that I have the foundations down before worrying about timing. It's cliché but confidence in your reasoning (which you build during BR!!) is what helps with your timing.

    This isn't for the faint of heart or those with limited time but I was prepared to study for this test full-time for a year or more to get a score I'd be satisfied with. I've also become more confident during this period, so y'know improvements for my overall life.

    Amazing. Thanks so much for your thoughtful response. Very encouraging too! I also feel I'm not among "most" people and need way more than 3 months to prepare. I also take lots of time getting through concepts but I make sure I get them or will revisit them (plan to) as needed. I feel like for some reason I had an expectation for myself to complete everything in 3 months just because others i know of have also done this. I think i will continue with my pace, to build that foundation you speak of!! Thank you for sharing your experience!!

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