PT7.S2.G3 - Each of seven judges voted for

anjkumar87anjkumar87 Alum Member
edited June 2018 in Logic Games 13 karma

Hi team,

A quick question about JY's reasoning on this one:

One of his sub-game boards reads:

In: C/L
Out: C/L
Floaters: M/M/L

But wouldn't the contrapositive of the first rule make this untrue?

M/M --> C/C/L
not M/not M --> not C/not C/not L

So, the correct sub-game board would be:

In: C/L/M
Out: C/L/M
Floater: L

Am I missing something?

Admin note: edited title


  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    edited June 2018 9382 karma

    Hi @anjrud123,

    The first rule is:
    ・ two conservatives vote for Datalog + minimum 1 liberal vote for Datalog→ both moderates vote for Datalog
    ・ two conservatives vote against Datalog + minimum 1 liberal vote against Datalog→ both moderates vote against Datalog

    The situation described in this subgame board is:
      C  |   C
      L   |  L

    Floaters: L, M, M

    This means:

    one conservative votes for Datalog
    one liberal votes for Datalog

    one conservative votes against Datalog
    one liberal votes against Datalog

    Can you describe how the rule below does not allow the case above?
    ・ two conservatives vote for Datalog + minimum 1 liberal vote for Datalog→ both moderates vote for Datalog
    ・ two conservatives vote against Datalog + minimum 1 liberal vote against Datalog→ both moderates vote against Datalog

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