PT12.S1.Q25 - All actors are exuberant people

toniafisher1toniafisher1 Member
edited June 2018 in Logical Reasoning 87 karma

Can anyone please help explain how to get to the correct AC. I have pinpointed that I am having difficulty with questions of this type. I tried to diagram but got confused AGAIN! Can anyone please explain how to properly diagram this in order to arrive at the correct AC? Thanks

Admin note: edited title


  • jknaufjknauf Alum Member
    edited June 2018 1741 karma

    1) All actors are exuberant people

    Actor ----> Exuberant

    2) All exuberant people are extroverts

    Exuberant ---> Extrovert

    Combined: Actor ---> Exuberant ---> Extrovert

    3) Some shy people are actors

    Shy <--some--> Actors

    Combined: Shy <--some--> Actors ---> Exuberant ---> Extrovert

    Does this help?

    If you have a question about the answer choices, let me know.

  • toniafisher1toniafisher1 Member
    87 karma

    This makes sense, THANK YOU!

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