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Proctors: There was a main proctor who spoke, and multiple volunteers to make signing in, handing out and handing in materials go very smooth.
Facilities: The college is nice. It's huge and modern. We had some issues with people getting in without a key card, however, so those of us who found a way in early had to keep opening the doors for everyone else coming to test, until security showed up and fixed the door. Bathrooms were just down from the testing room, and there was some seating while we waited (although not enough once everyone arrived).
What kind of room: It's a very large classroom or presentation room with tables set end to end in rows. Sound didn't echo, so that was nice. It was extremely quiet.
How many in the room: 100+
Desks: They were tables set up end to end in long rows. The seats were like padded folding chairs and fairly comfortable. There were number placeholders, and you went to your randomly assigned seat based on what number you received.
Left-handed accommodation: Yes. They moved left handed testers to accommodate them.
Noise levels: Super quiet.
Parking: There was free parking available on site.
Time elapsed from arrival to test: I got there very early, so I'll just say what the actual testing experience seemed to take. About 5 ½ hours.
Irregularities or mishaps: They let some people in with hoodies, which I thought was not allowed? A student had to leave (emergency?), but then tried to come back after we had started filling out the paperwork portion. They handled it appropriately and did not let him come back in, as once you leave like that, you aren't allowed back. I think some of the volunteers walked the aisles at some point, so that was a little weird.
Other comments: Overall, it was great conditions for testing. Very quiet, comfortable enough, and there was enough room. Once we were all seated and settled, we were allowed to space out or move if there were empty spaces in our rows. That helped significantly.
Would you take the test here again? Yes
Date[s] of Exam[s]: June 2018