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4th Take vs T14 Goal As Is

AlessioMatteoAlessioMatteo Free Trial Member
edited June 2018 in Law School Admissions 42 karma

Hello everyone,

Kind of in a tight spot. Have taken the LSAT three times thus far. Based on my most recent score I would still qualify as a reverse splitter for T14 schools. I’m trying to weigh my options of applying among the T14 this cycle vs a 4th take in July and how that might look. I underperformed my PT range by about 5 points on the June 2018 exam. Above 75th GPA wise but sitting around 25th for LSAT.

I have read various posts about the upper limit for the number of takes but I am still searching for some advice.

Not sure if most simply would simply base their position off plugging the numbers in LSN and judging off there, but I am somewhat concerned about how a fourth take would look.

Any advice is appreciated,

Thank you all


  • Kade KatrakKade Katrak Core Member
    edited June 2018 4428 karma

    There is no point at which you are going to be worse off getting a new higher highest score. A few schools may not like 4 takes quite as much as getting the highest score on one take, but they are still going to like it a lot more than three takes and a lower highest score.

    So in my opinion it shouldn't be a tough decision whether to retake, but when. You want to make absolutely sure you don't need a fifth or sixth not so much because the law schools won't be thrilled anout it, but because it eats up your time and money. So the question I would weigh is July vs September. Unless you are pretty confident you can do better by July I would probably wait till September since it won't really delay your apps and will give you more time to study and lock in a higher score.

  • CantStopWontStopCantStopWontStop Alum Member
    1270 karma

    @"Seeking Perfection" Great post as always, thanks!

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