Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Just got fined this morning... - 7Sage Forum

Just got fined this morning...

Bob LoblawBob Loblaw Member
in General 108 karma

Got a Fare Evasion ticket from the MTA in NYC. Not that long of a story, and not that great of an excuse. It's a civil infraction, and I am not disputing it so it's just a matter of paying the fine.

Is this something that has to be disclosed in C&F if the school's question has disclosure language similar to: "excluding minor traffic or parking violations..."? How much of an impact can this have on my application?

And does someone have suggested language for an addendum given my lame/lack of excuse?


  • 16st5116st51 Member
    30 karma

    Because of this, your legal career will likely now be in jeopardy. Proceed with caution.

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    Lol @16st51.

    Yes, I think for the most part you are going to need to include this. It's a citation for breaking the law and isn't a minor traffic infraction or parking ticket. I think it's unlikely to have a huge effect, but schools will definitely want to know about it and hear from you on it.

    There's a section on C&F addenda in the Admissions course that is very helpful. I had to write an addendum for the few schools that do require you to disclose minor traffic violations. Start here: https://7sage.com/admissions/lesson/character-fitness-addenda/

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    PS - when in doubt, always disclose. Too much information is better than looking like you are trying to hide something.

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