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School and LSAT

Anyone else struggling to keep up with LSAT study and full-time school? These upper division classes are insane with the amount of time they require.


  • OhnoeshalpmeOhnoeshalpme Alum Member
    2531 karma

    I studied (and still am) full time while studying for the LSAT for the last year. In my experience, the best strategy is to take it little by little. Do some LSAT work early in the morning. Just enough to build on what you know but not too much, so you don’t burn out. This way you’ll have finished the hardest thing you do all day and it will be downhill from there.

  • ad_coelumad_coelum Alum Member
    285 karma

    I have been in your boat! I just graduated last week but had been doing LSAT study while finishing up my degree. Breaking up the study time helps since we have only so much hours in the day. For example, I would do maybe an hour in the morning and then another hour later in the day. I aimed for 2 hrs a day with LSAT study. That way, I was able to get some studying in without pulling out my hair. If I could do more than 2 hrs then I would, but I set an “easy” goal that was easy to reach.

    For me, maintaining a high GPA was the most important factor. There has to be a balance between the two. Setting an alarm to wake up early and do work also helps. You also need some time off to defrag and process so Sunday is my day of rest. I read in Reader’s Digest that reviewing study materials just before bed helps with retaining and recalling information since sleep stabilizes newly learned memories. So, I would sometimes do light study just before bed to reap these benefits. Do what you can and never give in!

    Wish you the best and hope this info helps you!

  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    It's definitely a balancing act! It's one of the reasons I chose the September administration. Technically it's during the school year, but not when things have really picked up yet, and it gives you the summer to build up! June, November, and December are all too close to finals.

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    Yes, keep your grades up. You'll be happy later. But also treat this exam like a course.

  • eRetakereRetaker Free Trial Member
    2043 karma

    Graduate and find full-time work for 1-2 years before studying for the LSAT. Your main concern should be maintaining a high GPA and your admissions outcome would be much better with WE anyway. Remember, you can retake the LSAT but you can't retake undergrad.

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