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September'18 Study Group | Pep Rally | Thursday, September 6th, 2018 | 7:30 PM EST
Hey all! In case you are not aware, the September LSAT is this Saturday (8th) unless of course you are an accomodated test taker.
Whether you are a part of the group or not, please be sure to join us this week, to cheer on those taking the September LSAT. We will also have some special guests who are voluntarily taking time out of their busy lives to share their experiences and answer questions.
So join us, cheer those taking it on, and walk out after taking the test with a sense of accomplishment:
Also to those taking the test...PLEASE take a week off after from anything and everything LSAT related.
To those going for November, you can join the November SG and I'll see you then
September 18 Study Group
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (224) 501-3412
Access Code: 879-623-125
Joining from a video-conferencing room or system?
Cisco devices: 879623125@
First GoToMeeting? Let's do a quick system check:
@"Beast Mode" @"alyhobbs" @"lsatplaylist" @"wrasschaert" @"xtinextine" @"Emily2122" @"kragdar2000" @"Merp_Merp" @"Shazia..." @"scales_of_j" @"mjmonte17" @"Sarah_39" @"elviozeze23" @"kwdardis" @"PandaRamen" @"Nabintou" @"Nora1995" @"Nefertari" @"Castillo" @"toniafisher1" @"legallyspoonie" @"ajaraya0" @"foxtrot96" @"ML_LSAT_Killa" @LSATSurvivor" @Maritzaa @"ahous001" @LivingThatLSATdream @"Ortiz_44" @"Linda1205" @"juanmapm" @AshleighK @"LauraC120" @"Tongan_Rambo" @"ybao523" @"Kermit750" @"Tortsillustrated" @"alyssamcc0593" @"venalexb" @"L.Etranger" @"tmcdonald03" @AngusMcGillis @"MinnaH." @"surfy surf" @"paulmv.benthem" @Micolash @LastLSAT @KLKuhnnn @ychen1026 @Lilzillaa @vanessacb518 @beeh922 @JenBrooklyn @JD_Davis @jhanco10 @RedNomad @kragdar2000 @AlexRexeger @bcallahan95 @LCMama2017 @"Victoria." @yypc2001 @cgracia12 @ColinTurner610 @Ellie0257 @acevere84 @rpadr007 @TheLSATer @Stanford_Hopeful @T_Sense1 @Fluccci3 @Dacalvert @Sadaf529 @VDH_dee5 @Dacalvert @"Adam Hawks" @vanessaray4 @Gladiator_2017 @gogulky @Mimsquad @"chung.rachel.h" @CRLSUUUU @"Sarah J." @neliusg67 @ElleWoods77 @btownsquee @michael_theodore @1percntr @theLSATstruggs @alyssamcc0593 @"Love is Justice" @TChalla @Tonyk215 @leslieh327 @kelly1234 @IntoTheFray @fengx346 @TTurner24 @lost_kub @ILikeCereal @"samantha.ashley92" @"forest.dearing.2017" @Sleepysloth @Cristian-1 @MarieChloe @HopingforT14 @devinstelter @"Mia Fairweather" @knisskat94 @jprifitera @alice.shang1 @jmarmaduke96 @buckmartin @PearsonSpecterLittUp @bradymcl @BinghamtonDave @Talebiii
Bump because this is soon
Hopefully we are able to alleviate some anxiety.
Good luck everyone, you can message me anytime before or after the test if you need to! And thanks again to @ChaimtheGreat @"Cant Get Right" and @NotMyName for taking the time to answer questions and sharing their stories. I love this community
Good luck fam! And...have fun with it.
Best of luck to all the regulars in the group! It was a pleasure working with all of you!
Good luck everyone. Positive energy. Thank you @Keets993 for forming this September study group. I learned a lot.