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LR Valid & Invalid Arguments

isamorganisamorgan Free Trial Member
edited November 2014 in General 4 karma
Regarding valid & Invalid arguments is there a list that outlines "Not flawed" arguments? For example, I know that conditional statement i.e.
if structured properly makes this a valid argument,
but are there other ways that the test-makers are testing for such as
The reason I ask is that from what I can tell so far, is that causality is a method that the test-makers use in the arguments, and yet, they are also flawed causality arguments and we are to find an answer choice that shows their error in the causal relationship.
So I'm using the term valid argument in this post loosely to better clarify my question.
Are there other methods the test-makers use to construct arguments or are there all going to be just conditional or causal?


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