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Talking to recommender about a change of plans

I had planned to apply to law school during this cycle, but things in my life have changed. The new circumstances already had me leaning toward waiting to apply next year, and getting my LSAT score today basically confirmed that waiting is the right choice. I have already requested LORs, and one professor has already completed the letter. Now I will not need the letters until next year. Is there a specific protocol for how to address this with them? Can I just send an email or should I meet with them in person?


  • Kermit750Kermit750 Alum Member
    2124 karma

    You're ahead of the game for next cycle. I think just let them know your decision(email should be fine). Also, since they haven't all submitted, ask if they could make the date reflect next year, and reach out to the recommender who already sent theirs in to update the date, so it all looks uniform. In my case,I was going to apply last year, but I didn't. However, I kept mine the same because I heard it didn't really matter. I think either way the important thing is to have the dates be uniform.

  • _oshun1__oshun1_ Alum Member
    edited September 2018 3652 karma

    You don’t have to do anything. I wouldn’t bother notifying them. It doesn’t matter if your LOR is a year old and the dates don’t have to be the same on each of your LORs ie you could get an LOR from a professor your junior year of university and then get another one your senior year.

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