Hindsight Bias?

jwilkersjwilkers Alum Member
edited October 2018 in General 89 karma

So, I recently came across a concept some of you are probably familiar with known as "hindsight bias." For our purposes, it probably translates to seeing a question you got wrong and then immediately discounting it thinking it was just a simple mistake that you won't repeat? I am trying my best to have a healthy relationship with it which I believe boils down to simply being honest, after all there's no gain when I am not, especially when I am doing drills or PT'S. Can anyone else relate?


  • OhnoeshalpmeOhnoeshalpme Alum Member
    2531 karma

    I think that this concern can be minimized if you film your PT's. If you see yourself making the error in real time, it legitimizes the error. You can respond to it with the expectation that it will happen again. Keep track of these errors an LSAT journal. Keeping a journal can elucidate your common errors and reveals the true one-off errors.

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