Analytics - Question Type Performance Over Time

TeaspoonTeaspoon Alum Member

Is there any way to use analytics to easily see how I'm performing on a particular question type over time?


  • Kermit750Kermit750 Alum Member
    2124 karma

    I think the easiest way to calculate your progress is through PTs. When you input your answer choices, you can see which question types are your highest priority from how large and red the circle is. As you take more PTs, and get better, the circles won't be as big or as red. This is the only way I know.

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    You can select individual tests to use for analytics. So, you could select a few tests at a time and then look at your accuracy in the question types. You could see a trend that way.

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