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Lots of experience coming in to program, what to skip on CC?(no postponement)

STP-StudentSTP-Student Member
in General 6 karma

I have taken 30 PT's and completed the LSAT Trainer Program, and purchased the starter package at the start of the month with the hopes of boosting my LG and LR scores. I have taken the test last February and in June, scoring 162 and 163. Can anyone give me some pragmatic advice for what I can skip on the CC if I am happy with my RC score and pretty happy with my LR score? I'm only 30% through and am planning on taking the test for the third and FINAL time in November.

My current regimen is 2 hours of CC and 1 hour of drilling sections/foolproofing on weekdays, and taking full PTs and doing BR on Saturdays and Sundays.

I'm averaging about 166 currently, but know that my score on the actual test will be somewhat lower. My main problem has been bad time management on Logic Games, as I can get perfect or -1 on the section untimed, but run out of time by the fourth problem set about 50% of the time.

For the people who will tell me to postpone, and that every single lesson on the CC is absolutely critical to bumping my score 3 to 4 points, this test and anxiety over it have consumed every waking moment of my life outside my full-time job for close to a full year now. I refuse to let it ruin another holiday season. Please don't try to reason with me on postponing, I am fully aware I could score higher if I postponed, but am looking for a pragmatic answer from someone who has been in a similar position.


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