PT70.S2.Q19 (P3) - research concerning happiness

cave1870cave1870 Alum Member
edited January 2016 in Reading Comprehension 27 karma
Can anyone provide help with this question? I don't see at all how they get their answer..



  • Sully8725Sully8725 Alum Member
    146 karma
    "Want to make more money than your neighbours"--
    Passage A: The author of passage A implies that it is misguided to make more money than your neighbour because as we make more money our "standards" or the "norm" increases and we are basically chasing an unattainable state of happiness because we will never be happy for long. So the quest to make more than your neighbour is MISGUIDED.
    Passage B: The author says that it is the "success not the money per se that provides us with the happiness. We use material wealth to show not just that we are prosperous, but we are prosperous because we create value." The next paragraph implies that the desire to create value is not an "ignoble" characteristic but in fact an ADMIRABLE (totally implied) because the desire to create value benefits society as a whole.

    Does that makes sense? This is how I read the authors opinions.
  • cave1870cave1870 Alum Member
    27 karma
    That makes sense, thanks! :)
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