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Avoiding getting unduly influenced by an AC in LR

ExcludedMiddleExcludedMiddle Alum Member
edited October 2018 in Logical Reasoning 737 karma

I've noticed that sometimes there's an appealing-seeming AC in LR, oftentimes early in the ACs (like B or C), that will "seem" kind of right (but maybe too strong or wrong for one reason or another), and then, when I go through the remainder of the ACs, it's harder to see them in a disinterested way as that experience of being kinda impressed by B for instance will lead to a less rigorous interpretation of the other options and a sort of confirmation bias where you don't want to seem wrong in your initial assessment of B. Any solutions for this?


  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    Try reading the answer choices in reverse order? Start with E and work up to A? The truth is though that the answer choice can be any letter, so you just have to remember to try to force yourself to approach every answer critically.

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