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Canadian law school chances?

lawhopeful_13lawhopeful_13 Alum Member
in General 41 karma

I have a quite low cGPA as I was pretty sick during my 2nd and 3rd year but it is not well documented.
I have 3.09 cGPA, 3.49 L2/B2 GPA, 166 LSAT.
My background is Biomedical Engineering and was part of a varsity team at the uni.
I do have quite strong background in research and all. Also, strong ECs including Policy researcher.

Not sure if anyone is familiar with Canadian Law school admission..
I applied to Western, Ottawa, York, Queen's with Access Claim and will be applying to Dalhousie.


  • ArchivesandMuseumsArchivesandMuseums Alum Member
    163 karma

    Hello, I have applied to Canadian Law Schools for 2019 admissions as well.
    Depending upon your documented access claim, if Canadian Law Schools endorse your claim, I think that you have a good shot at Western and Ottawa.
    I believe that your chances at York and Queens are not good as these schools like high CGPAs. However, you have still chances at these schools as well,
    If Dalhousie Law accepts your access claim, you will have a good shot at this law school.
    Lastly, if you would be more open to another law schools in Canada, you will certainly have better chances of acceptance.
    Based on your current stats, you will have a good shot at:
    University of New Brunswick Law. (This law school will drop some of your lowest grades in your transcript.)
    University of Saskatchewan Law. (This law school will use your B2 GPA.)
    Thompson Rivers University Law. (I think that you will be accepted if you apply to this law school.)

    Good luck!!

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