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What if you’re REALLY thirsty

PeaceofmindPeaceofmind Alum Member
in General 446 karma

During the actual LSAT, is it ok to quickly take a sip between sections? If not, what to do if the thirst has become distracting?
Drinking ample fluid before the test might be a problem too since that will make me want to go to bathroom prematurely, which is distracting, too...
I’m a coffee drinker so the dehydrating and diuretic effect of caffeine is a concern for me, even though I only drink one cup a day, in the morning. But I don’t have the capacity to wean off coffee now since the test is in two weeks and the withdrawal effect can be a huge headache (pun intended).
Any advice would be highly appreciated!


  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    If you hydrate really well the week of the test, you shouldn’t be too thirsty on the morning of. I’d say drink your coffee a couple hours before the test starts and then chew gum on your way to the testing center

  • _oshun1__oshun1_ Alum Member
    edited November 2018 3652 karma

    Chug a couple bottles of water a couple hours before the lsat and sip a little water before the test and pee right before and you’ll be fine. I drank a tiny bit of water in line before the lsat and I regretted it bc I kind of had to pee as soon as I got in the test center. You’re not allowed to have water on your desk and it’s supposed to stay in your bag but I don’t know how strict they are about not letting people reach down under the desk to grab their water. Unless you have a medical problem you really shouldn’t need to drink any water for 2 hours and if you properly hydrated and still feel thirsty it’s probably just anxiety.
    1 cup of coffee shouldn’t prevent your ability to drink water or pee before the test lol.

  • sandypantssandypants Alum Member
    231 karma


    Do you drink water while you PT? I don't think being SO thirsty should be an issue, as long as (like others have said) you hydrate the day/week before and maybe a bit in the morning.

    I hardly had time to take a few deep breaths and center myself between sections and remember to turn my watch bezel, I couldn't imagine trying to unscrew/open a top from a water bottle, taking a sip, closing it, and putting it back PLUS feeling anxious from risking breaking the rules of not having things on your desk besides pencils/watch.

    I would say don't risk trying to drink water, drink just a little during the break but not enough that you'll have to pee.

    I really doubt thirst will become that distracting unless you're really dehydrated. In the moment of the test all of your focus is on getting the right answers and staying on track with time. To me, the test flew by because of the intensity of focus!

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