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Disciplinary Record Disclosures

knisskat94knisskat94 Alum Member
edited November 2018 in Law School Admissions 43 karma

I'm unsure if I should disclose a certain incident in the character and fitness sections of my applications. One school's application asks, "Has any school, college, or university ever issued you a disciplinary or scholastic warning/probation?". I worked as a Resident Assistant for 3 years in undergrad, and at one point I was put on disciplinary probation by my job for a year. It was an alcohol-related violation. I was 21, but I was in a room with others who were underage and some were drinking. I personally didn't break any rules in the school's disciplinary code, but it was a violation for my job, as an employee of the college. I don't think it's listed in my academic record, probably just in my job file, but I may ask the registrar to be sure. Thoughts on whether or not I need to disclose this?


  • LSAT_WreckerLSAT_Wrecker Member
    4850 karma

    To me, this sounds like a "yes" and therefore you should disclose. However, I am a firm believer in the "when in doubt, call the admissions office" school of thought.

  • AudaciousRedAudaciousRed Alum Member
    2689 karma

    Yeah. That would be a yes, I think. Never hurts to ask, tho!

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