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Does anyone else do WAY better on digital RC rather than printed?

Gunningfor121Gunningfor121 Alum Member
in General 517 karma

I know this seems bizarre, but I am consistently doing better on RC sections that I drill online rather than ones I have printed out from the official PTs... The only explanation I can come up with is that the printed RCs are always tiny and really dark, which makes it harder to read, which may in turn be reducing my comprehension and speed. Does anyone else experience this difference?


  • bianca1010bianca1010 Member
    12 karma

    It could be age.

    I'd imagine a lot of younger LSAT takers probably have a more intuitive ability to focus when reading text digitally vs print. That's a generalization, of course, but it could be applicable to your case. For example, I'm on the tail end of the youth wave (mid-twenties) and I prefer print text with any sort of heavy duty reading, even with logic games. When I was in grad school, I would take notes with pen and paper. Reading online just makes my eyes wonder to my notifications, so not good.

    Either way, sounds like you might want to consider waiting for the digital test dates if the problem is getting in the way of achieving the scores you want. Or you could buy/borrow/steal print PT books from LSAC/friends/family.

  • Patz4lifePatz4life Alum Member
    214 karma

    Funny I'm the opposite. I love using printed sections so I can annotate the passages

  • tekken1225tekken1225 Alum Member
    770 karma

    I definitely prefer the printed version. I could do it digitally if that was the only option, but much prefer print.

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