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Am I burned out? Massive score drop

Gunningfor121Gunningfor121 Alum Member
edited November 2018 in General 517 karma

PT 43 destroyed me. I missed more on LR than ever before AND I missed more on RC than ever before. By a lot. No idea why. Has anyone else experienced an off-day to this degree or am I actually burned out and just need to walk away for a few days?


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    It might have just been a bad day from the sound of it. You didn’t all the sudden get worse at LR and RC. Do you feel burnt out?

  • Simple ManSimple Man Alum Member
    edited November 2018 448 karma

    It could have been burn out, it could have been an off day, it could have been a hard PT, or any combination of those. I'd take it away was a positive. Take a couple of days off. Come back and really BR what you missed and why. Drill those question types you missed, and review them in the CC. Then try again! Score drops happen every now and then, but they can serve as a beacon of where to shift your focus. It is what you make of it.

  • Gunningfor121Gunningfor121 Alum Member
    517 karma

    @Alex Honestly, sometimes it's hard for me to tell if I'm burned out. During undergrad I pretty much ignored my mental health, and it's been difficult to break that habit. I think I may take a bit of time off and then get back to it.

    @"Simple Man" I'll do this. Thanks!

    To you both, @Alex and @"Simple Man", do you guys think I should set aside 10 or so PTs in case I want to retake? I'm planning on taking the March LSAT and I could get through all of the PTs before then, but I think it may serve me better to save 10 or so in case I want to take June or July as well. If I didn't save any and DID still want to retake, I imagine I could get rusty not having any new material to work on (and worse yet, maybe fool myself into thinking I'm doing better than I am because of inflated scores from retaking old PTs).

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