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When will schools send out waivers

TrustingGodTrustingGod Free Trial Member
in General 240 karma

When do schools usually send out fee waivers after new lsat scores come out? A few days, a few weeks? Some schools do not offer need based fee waivers, and I'm hoping with my new score I may receive a merit based one. I don't want to apply if they'll be sending some out soon


  • Kermit750Kermit750 Alum Member
    2124 karma

    It might be easier for you to reach out to the school to ask for a fee waiver than wait on them. My guess is that the fee waivers are sent after a score release, probably beginning Monday, but it might be best to reach out yourself.

  • TrustingGodTrustingGod Free Trial Member
    240 karma

    @Kermit750 thank you!

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