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high scorers

[Deleted User][Deleted User] Free Trial
edited December 2014 in February 2015 LSAT 578 karma
PLEASE SOMEONE TELL ME YOUR SCHEDULE FOR STUDYING. I have studied since July and I'm still in 150s I feel like I have studied the wrong way...I have been doing the BR lately which I guess is a little helpful. What am I suppose to do ugh I'm getting lost. I was with Test masters before I think they suck


  • leeliseeleelisee Alum Member
    edited December 2014 92 karma
    TLS is chock full of success stories and detailed guides. I think there's also a document somewhere there that detailedly describes what a bunch (15+) of top scorers did. Don't get obsessed with TLS (it is unnecessarily intimidating) but do take the time to look around as you'll find a wealth of information. Below are 3 posts written by 180 scorers.

    1) http://www.top-law-schools.com/how-i-scored-a-180-article1.html
    2) http://www.top-law-schools.com/how-i-scored-a-180-article2.html
    3) http://www.top-law-schools.com/how-i-scored-a-180-article3.html
  • LeBisondeMistLeBisondeMist Alum Member
    135 karma
    I agree with @leelisee that TLS is a great resource, but don't get too sucked in. I took Testmasters as well and didn't find it very helpful, either. You aren't alone there.

    I think that BR is really where you learn what you're missing and what you understand. When you BR are you scoring significantly higher than timed tests? If so, it could just be a timing/anxiety issue, which eases with practice. If your BR is below 170, then you definitely need to take a step back and review fundamentals. The 7sage analytics are great because they allow you to see which question types/sections you should really be working on. Start there.
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    ".I have been doing the BR lately which I guess is a little helpful." do it more :p
    If your BR is below 170, then you definitely need to take a step back and review fundamentals. +1
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Free Trial
    578 karma
    Yeah with BR I'm missing 10-12 LR questions and mst of them I had the right answer in mind but I got tricked by something else
  • LeBisondeMistLeBisondeMist Alum Member
    135 karma
    @royaimani If that's the case, then you definitely need to go back to basics. Take a look at what question types you're missing and review the lessons for those types and redo some drills. If you can't do the questions untimed, you definitely will have trouble doing them timed. Also, even after you BR, go back and determine WHY every incorrect AC is incorrect and why the correct AC is the correct one. Sometimes I'll even write a couple words or circle words within the AC as to why it's wrong. Knowing how something tricked you (i.e., the AC you chose was sufficient, but you were looking for necessary) will help you in the long run.
  • Catehm88Catehm88 Alum Member
    8 karma

    I would also say review fundamentals. I took a class and got books, but took many gaps in studying. So, when I began studying again I had lost a lot of the fundamentals. After reviewing them my score has increased again. For example, every practice test I was missing about 4-6 points on assumption questions; after getting tired of banging my head on the wall with the same problem, I went back and reviewed and I realized that I had forgotten the difference between a necessary and a sufficient assumption and tools that I can use to help me with necessary assumptions. Since reviewing them, I rarely miss assumption questions. Moral to my rant, sometimes when you have been studying for a longer period of time or have taken a gap in studying, you may have to go back look at the basics again. I know it sounds crazy, but I started off last year scoring around the early 150s, and have since reviewed fundamentals and have score between 162-172; most times 167 and up.

    Keep chugging along. You will get there.
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