Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Timing - 7Sage Forum


BrianAggieBrianAggie Member
in General 124 karma

I am currently going through the CC doing about half of the problem sets (the rest I was told to save for drilling) untimed. I want to fully grasp the fundamentals but I am worried that I am answering the questions too slowly. Does time become less of an issue by the time you finish the CC?


  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    It may or may not change by the time you are done with the cc. But, you really don't need to worry about it. It's most important that you are working on really understanding the material. You can worry about time later when you do actual PTs and are gearing up for test day. Speed comes not just by doing it faster, but by thoroughly understanding the material and being able to do it without thinking about the process as much. So right now, just focus on learning how to do the problems. You will get faster naturally as your understanding increases.

  • Rule No 8Rule No 8 Alum Member
    141 karma

    I also wanted to note that going slow early helps you build good habits. If you start trying to go fast too early, you run the risk of picking up some bad habits without being aware of them (this is what happened to me in the RC CC the first time through. Bad habits are harder to break than developing good habits slowly from the beginning.
    Best of luck!

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