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Experimental Sections

DByrne07DByrne07 Core Member
edited December 2014 in December 2014 LSAT 279 karma
IDK about other people - but completing 2 RC sections is a BEAST....

After the first one - you're kind of relieved, but then hopes are dashed when the 2nd one pops up (and that section happens to be the REAL section)....

Anyone agree or is it really a pick your poison kind of thing?


  • ddakjikingddakjiking Inactive ⭐
    edited December 2014 2116 karma
    I feel you. RC is my weakness and hate it whenever I have one for the experimental in addition to the real. My suggestion, if you decide to retake, is to use RC as your experimentals while you PT. This will help build up your endurance.
  • LeBisondeMistLeBisondeMist Alum Member
    135 karma
    I think it depends n the person. I hate exp RC, too. But exp LR also wears me out. I basically only want an exp LG haha
  • DByrne07DByrne07 Core Member
    279 karma
    Agree on the experimental LG - that would be less of a mental drain IMO.

    It's not that RC is my weakness (I do OK on it), but going through 8 RC passages on test day is TOUGH. LR would be second tough to me.
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    LG all the way lol, LR deff seems like it would drain me and I feel since I have a burning hate for RC that would be the worse but alas I have strayed from 5-sections for a bit so what do I know
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