PT49.S3.P2 - Through the last half century

I'm having a hard time understanding why answer choice D) in Question 13 is wrong even though I have watched the video multiple times already. I was left with C) and D) timed.

Initially I thought "large geographical areas" in D) was fine b/c of line 18 to 20. But is it wrong because centers of style are dispersed OVER large areas as opposed to being large areas themselves?

Also the passage says the characteristics patterns are subtly different that few people outside of the area can distinguish Nuna masks from Ko masks around line 45. But D) says they are VERY DIFFICULT for outside observers to distinguish. Just because few can distinguish, doesn't mean it is VERY difficult for others. Had it said "not easy for others," would it have been better?
--Is this line of thinking acceptable...?


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