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Joint Degree Programs

James RayJames Ray Alum Member
edited December 2014 in General 186 karma
I am looking to do a joint degree program. I would prefer a JD/PhD. I know that Stanford, Harvard, Yale, etc. have great ones but I am not sure those are within my reach. I think NYU and Penn are going to be my best chance at a highly ranked school. Do any of you know of any other good joint degree programs you have heard about? I am open to any and all suggestions.


  • blah170blahblah170blah Alum Inactive ⭐
    3545 karma
    It really depends on what kind of joint degree you want. I know Duke has a great JD/MA program that you can finish in 3.5 years. Most law schools also have a common joint JD/MPP program -- I know for a fact Harvard has one for the law school and the Kennedy School, as well as Berkeley between Boalt and Goldman.

    Also, besides the most popular dual programs like a JD/MPP, JD/MBA, or in some crazy cases JD/MD, I think the onus is on you to take the necessary tests and apply separately and essentially create the program for yourself. Schools are usually amenable to your schedule if you're accepted into both programs. For instance, I know for a lot of JD/ PhD/MA programs, the schools will allow you to take your JD classes during 1L and then spend a year focusing on your post-grad degree. But again, most of the time it's on you to create the schedule and coordinate between the two grad departments.
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