Prioritizing PTs ~ fresh or new?

2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
in General 1810 karma

Hey, sagers. I'm on my second round of studying after a pre-7Sage disappointing Nov. score of 152, and I'm aiming for a 165+ in June. I've completed the CC, but I'd love some advice for how to focus my remaining study time. My hardest section is LG, and I'm working hard on my fool proofing binder. The only "fresh" PTs (other than superduper old-school ones) I haven't touched are 39-49 and 85. I work full-time, so I max out at one PT/BR experience per week and sometimes I spread it out over the week into timed section drills. But I've been advised to save 77-85 as full retakes leading up to June 3. If I stick to that, that only leaves me 3 weeks from now before that starts. I'm finishing 39 right now, but after that ~ what to do for the next 3 weeks? Better to drill some "fresh" sections from 40-49 or better to drill sections as retakes from 62-76? And either way, there's no way I'm getting through that many so I'm stuck on which ones to prioritize. Thanks for any advice.


  • PrincessPrincess Alum Member
    821 karma

    Hey! Honestly, I think just take 39-49 to use as timed sections or even take them as preptests. That's what I am doing and definitely notice results because in BR, I am able to truly understand what my weak areas are...even if you are doing it for the second time around, it can be helpful to see what questions you missed before vs now. Also, go ahead and use some recent tests for drilling under timed conditions and just BR the sections. I think you're doing fine and just need to experiment around to see what works best for you. I try to work on the logic games everyday and then I try my best to atleast do one RC or LR section timed and then BR. Depending on BR, I will then drill the certain question types.

  • 2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
    1810 karma

    Thanks! Does anyone else have any thoughts? 39-49 wouldn't be the second time around - I've never seen them before. But if I focus more on the later ones, they would be retakes, but more representative of the current test.

  • PrincessPrincess Alum Member
    821 karma

    Yeah! I think that would be really good to try to do the retakes because it will be representative. At the same time, go ahead and do hte older tests too.

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