RC Help - 3 weeks out

eastcoastdionneeastcoastdionne Free Trial Member
in General 23 karma

Hi, I'm retaking in March, and I really can't seem to get my RC below -4 or -5. I'm really shooting for -2. I know getting -2 on RC is a grind, but I have drilled constantly and it doesn't seem to be working. Is there anything that I can do/ any way I can think about the RC section differently that could help me get down to -2? I'm mainly getting Infer Author/Other Perspective Questions wrong. I would appreciate any help at all. Thank you!

What I've done so far:
Constant Drilling
Powerscore Method
Memory Method
LSAT Trainer Method
Should I BR every RC drill I do? Any crazy helpful tips any one has?


  • PrincessPrincess Alum Member
    821 karma

    Hey! You have an amazing score already and I would love to be getting below 5 as well. I feel like I get that only sometimes though. How were you able to get it consistently -4 or -5?

    I was wondering if you're still missing those questions when you BR. If yes, then you simply don't understand it...but if not, then clearly you do get it, and it's just a timing issue. I suggest that you drill some more RC, BR each and every one to figure out what the issue is.

    To be honest, even if it just -4 or -5, that is still amazing! You can try to minimize even more on LR and LG. Don't stress too much and I would love if you can share some tips!

  • eastcoastdionneeastcoastdionne Free Trial Member
    23 karma

    @Princess said:
    Hey! You have an amazing score already and I would love to be getting below 5 as well. I feel like I get that only sometimes though. How were you able to get it consistently -4 or -5?

    I was wondering if you're still missing those questions when you BR. If yes, then you simply don't understand it...but if not, then clearly you do get it, and it's just a timing issue. I suggest that you drill some more RC, BR each and every one to figure out what the issue is.

    To be honest, even if it just -4 or -5, that is still amazing! You can try to minimize even more on LR and LG. Don't stress too much and I would love if you can share some tips!

    Honestly, I found it very useful to confirm every answer in the passage. People stress retaining the passage info so that you don't have to look back, but I have found it very useful. Before, I didn't have enough speed to do it, but now that I'm going fast enough, confirming each answer really helps. I also just try to remember that 4 of the answer choices are 100% wrong. Infer questions are my main problem area.

  • aleland13aleland13 Alum Member
    158 karma

    @eastcoastdionne do you listen to the Thinking LSAT podcast? If not you should listen to episode 64 (it’s on Spotify) where they talk about inference questions in RC. Basically, they say that the way those “inference” q’s are worded in the question stem is misleading and ppl tend to think that we have to go deep into the author’s head and find a speculative answer choice while we should actually be treating these q’s as must be true q’s that will be supported by the passage, just like every other q. I miss a lot of these as well and I’m gonna try this tip to see if it helps!

  • eastcoastdionneeastcoastdionne Free Trial Member
    23 karma

    @aleland13 said:
    @eastcoastdionne do you listen to the Thinking LSAT podcast? If not you should listen to episode 64 (it’s on Spotify) where they talk about inference questions in RC. Basically, they say that the way those “inference” q’s are worded in the question stem is misleading and ppl tend to think that we have to go deep into the author’s head and find a speculative answer choice while we should actually be treating these q’s as must be true q’s that will be supported by the passage, just like every other q. I miss a lot of these as well and I’m gonna try this tip to see if it helps!

    No, I've never heard of this podcast -- I'll give it a listen! Thanks for the recommendation!

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