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I was averaging 3 points higher than what I actually scored, but I felt really uncomfortable with the March 2019 LG and I think that's what messed me up. Does anyone have any advice for retaking a third time/how to approach studying this time around? I'm signed up for the June test because I know I'm right where I want to be, I just didn't execute on test day.
A three point drop is typical for test day conditions. It's not necessarily nerves. Taking a test at 8:30 am, filling out scantrons for an 45 mins, etc has a negative effect.
Hopefully this is helpful, but just continue doing what you are doing. Certain principles and techniques drop in deeper over time even if you are doing the same thing. This is assuming weekly practice test, thorough BRing, Foolproofing, and taking maybe a day a week to drill "weaknesses."
I was DEVASTATED when I scored only one point higher than my first take on my second take. I didn't end up taking a third time, though, so I don't have much advice there. Also, a reminder that a 3 point drop isn't necessarily a drop, either, it's within the LSAT margin of error.
All I can say is what @CantStopWontStop said--- keep doing what you're doing. Time is a huge factor in getting close to mastery. Avoid burnout---that's a serious danger heading into your third----and stay positive. Good luck!