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Bombed First Time

tiffanydwhite1tiffanydwhite1 Free Trial Member
in General 13 karma

Hi all,

I’m a short time lurker who just took the March exam. Clearly from my title it didn’t go well. After studying for a few months, working full time, finishing school full time I took the test and got my worst score ever.

I figured this would happen during the test because I hated my test site and didn’t even finish my sections. I sort of gave up mid way 🤫

With all that being said I’m intending to take the July exam and possibly one more later in the fall. I’m quitting my job to focus on the LSAT full time. I PT at around 160, but I want to get closer to a 168-170 over the next few months. Do you guys think I’ll be a good candidate for the Ultimate or should I start at a lower level with my test being so close. Any assistance is greatly appreciated!!


  • CantStopWontStopCantStopWontStop Alum Member
    1270 karma

    If you haven’t done the CC yet I’d go lower. Frankly if that is the score you want you might be retaking in oct/nov. bombing the first time is quite normal. Almost a right of passage. I would probably get ultimate plus if I were you and plan on taking sept and nov. good luck!

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    You can recover. It's going to be OK. And almost all the law schools just take the highest score.

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    And Ultimate is a good deal, or you can pay for the other courses first then get Ultimate later so you're not paying the full price all at once.

  • tiffanydwhite1tiffanydwhite1 Free Trial Member
    13 karma

    I actually haven’t even finished CC. I used the lsat trainer for a few months, but had to rush through the end. I think I’ll start front the beginning then grab the ultimate for the November test. Thanks!!

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