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[Ended] PrepTest 74 on Sale NOW for $5.99 (3 Days Only!) [Ended]

J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
edited January 2015 in General 14289 karma
We're happy to announce that PT 74 (December 2014 LSAT) will be on sale at 7Sage starting January 15th.

The price will be $5.99 for 3 days only: January 15th, 16th, and 17th.

After that, price goes up to $29.99.

With PT74, you can download the PDF instantly and get +1 month access to all video explanations (from PT 74 and everything else you already have access to).

Some students were confused about the 1 month access time last time, so please be advised that if you don't already have a course and PT 74 is your only purchase, you will only have access to the PDF download + all video explanations for PT 74 for 1 month. If you're already enrolled in a full course, you'll get a +1 month extension on everything.


  • joegotbored-1joegotbored-1 Alum Member
    edited January 2015 802 karma
    I'm fairly certain I'll not be taking the test again, but I've invested so much time on this, that I'm going to buy it just to see how you did these questions. Plus, I want to see what you say about Han purple!!
    Looking forward to it JY, thanks for the great deal and continuing your affordability mantra.
  • HarvetteHarvette Alum Member
    edited January 2015 52 karma

    Do you have any sales for June & October 2014?
  • kclubs323kclubs323 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    275 karma
    @Harvette 7Sage has done sales for each PT as it's released, so unless 7Sage decides to do a huge promotion on a set of previous PT's, I think they likely will not.
  • stepharizonastepharizona Alum Member
    3197 karma
    I am so mad I wasnt paying attention and missed the 72 sale... @J.Y. Ping you know you want to have a fire sale of some of the newer tests! :) Or how about as 12 hour sour that only gets posted in the forum to reward those that check in every day :)
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    O.o you lie! You released 74 a day early!
  • lsatonmymindlsatonmymind Alum Member
    135 karma
    I agree with stepharizona. I missed the PT 72 sale as well. Having a last minute sale for the 70's preptests will be beneficial.
  • 34 karma
    Hi JY are there other exams that are required for purchase to study from your site? I don't know if my course that I paid for includes. Could you advise please? Tks.
  • Marie4lawschoolMarie4lawschool Alum Member
    359 karma
    Got it! Thanks so much for making this affordable and available well ahead of the February test :-)
  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma
    Hey @smurfette101-1, no PTs are 'required', but they're a great addition to studying! You have the Ultimate course, which comes with PTs 35-71. If you want to pick up more PTs, 72-74 are available here:
  • justrandomjustrandom Alum Member
    343 karma
    Thank you!!!
  • Erika123Erika123 Member
    edited January 2015 233 karma
    JY this is really kind of you. We’re all really grateful for your time, understanding, and commitment to our success. Thank you
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