LSAC GPA - comm. college courses

wrobesone1wrobesone1 Free Trial Member

Throughout my undergrad years, I started taking (non-transferable) community college courses through my local CC for purely recreational purposes. My UG didn’t offer much in the way of law-related or criminal justice-related courses, so it wasn’t hard to take two or three per semester through the CC. Now that I’m looking at applying to law schools, I’ve just found out that these courses will count towards my LSAC GPA. This is good, it seems, because they bring up my 3.7 UG GPA to about a 3.9. However, I’m also worried it may look like an attempt to game the LSAC GPA system. Should I write an addendum explaining that or will it not be a significant issue? My LSAT is a 176 so I’m hoping to apply to schools that I assume will look pretty carefully at my full transcript. Thanks so much!


  • Selene SteelmanSelene Steelman Free Trial Member Admissions Consultant
    2037 karma

    If your GPA went up with the CC courses, I don't think you should be concerned about the optics. A GPA addendum, based on the information you provided above, would not be necessary. It is not uncommon to see CC transcripts with other undergraduate transcripts in the CAS Report and if the courses were law related, it shows a demonstrated interest in the subject which is always good.

  • AudaciousRedAudaciousRed Alum Member
    2689 karma

    Nah. There's no reason for that. I imagine many of us have extra CC classes here and there. It happens. We don't always know what we want when we first start college, or we like pursuing interests that don't always align with our degree. I went down a pottery rabbit-hole for a while, took a Native language class that looked interesting, etc. I regret nothing.

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