PT2.S4.Q7 - Marine biologists have long thought

vernicelove-1-1-1vernicelove-1-1-1 Live Member
edited May 2019 in Logical Reasoning 31 karma

How did you achieve AC “D”. I don’t see what you linked it to.

Admin note: edited title


  • drbrown2drbrown2 Alum Member
    2227 karma

    D is consistent with new theory and counter to the old theory, thus strengthening the support for the new theory over the old.

    Old theory was that shell color was camouflage to protect against predators. Brown color shells for dark seafloor, white shells for light seafloor.

    New theory is that it is due to heat absorption, brown for wavy areas with less heat absorption and white for calm areas with more heat absorption.

    D says the shells are light colored, calm water, dark background. If we favored the first theory we would expect the shells to be dark to match the dark background (camouflage). If we favor the second theory, we anticipate D to be true.

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