PT6.S2.Q20 - Policy Adviser: Freedom of speech is not only

Jimmy SongJimmy Song Alum Member
edited May 2019 in Logical Reasoning 13 karma

Hi guys,

I'm really having a difficult time seeing why B would not be the right answer. B seems to be describing that it is for the government's own sake to respect the rights of citizens, which is exactly what the Policy Advisor is saying in the first sentence. Am I misunderstanding something here?

Any thoughts would be appreciated, thanks!

Admin note: edited title


  • drbrown2drbrown2 Alum Member
    2227 karma

    B seems really close. I think it is wrong because it talks about respect for basic rights (plural), but the argument only talks about freedom of speech. If it was arguing for basic rights of citizens for its own benefit I think the passage would talk about other rights as well and the harm that can come from a lack of basic rights. This argument is only about freedom of speech.

  • Jimmy SongJimmy Song Alum Member
    13 karma

    Wow, that is really tricky, but I do see your point. Thanks!

  • wannabesocrateswannabesocrates Core Member
    4 karma

    B is not correct because the political advisor's reasons are not advancing free speech "for its own sake". Their argument is based on the positive benefits of free speech. The argument would have to be totally different if it was advocating free speech for the sake of free speech i.e. humans have inalienable rights to speak their mind or something more essential to humans and rights.

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