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STT_340STT_340 Member
in Logic Games 89 karma

So I am have a simple/lazy issue. How do you guys set up your rules and game board. Do you do it like J.Y. says "next to the questions? Or other wise. Becasue we talk about having extra space below for drawing game boards but then it will not be next to each question. Also, if I write lawgic rules and original game boards below the rules on the first page, then after the first question I am constantly flipping back-and forth which makes me lazily try to just remember rules in my head to save time and that means I am not checking off/blocking rules as I make inferences on each question (sometimes missing a rule and spending more time eventually on questions). I started writing my rules on the back page instead with most of the questions and flipping back-and-forth only to translate rules and do the first question. What have you been doing? Or is this inevitable?


  • Habeas PorpoiseHabeas Porpoise Alum Member Sage
    edited June 2019 1866 karma

    If I understand your post correctly, you're flipping your paper over to get to the second "page" of questions, right?
    On the actual exam (and if you print PTs on 7Sage from the toner-friendly blank page) each game should cover a side-by-side two-page spread. You shouldn't have to flip the page.

    Regardless, I write the rules and gameboards near the original rules like JY, but for each question will try and write individual boards next to the question if I need (like in open-ended questions where I can't reference a couple main boards). If there are more than two or three possibilities, I'll jump to the space below the questions, add a quick label for the question number, and make my boards there. The question numbers help me reference the boards if I ever move on to another game and have to come back, and also helps keep my head clear and focused since my boards aren't all over the place.

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