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Representing negative or flexible rules

rebelwithoutaclauserebelwithoutaclause Alum Member
in Logic Games 36 karma

I came across a rule I'm not used to diagramming in PT 85 Game 1, and was curious if any of you have come up with a clever shorthand. I ended up coming up with one on the spot, but I think it led me to make an otherwise avoidable mistake on what should have been a straightforward game.

There are at least two slots separating H and S, but H and S are interchangeable in order. (JY used H _ _ S with a small "LL2") symbol in a switching box, but he himself called it somewhat clumsy.) When I did this game the first time around, I ended up forgetting that 2 slots was a minimum and not exact. Perhaps there's a way to make this rule clearer in the diagram and less of an afterthought?

Another more general diagramming question, not from PT 85: Values are not consecutive. I've always represented consecutive as (AB) and nonconsecutive as (AB) but find this leaves something to be desired in terms of clarity. Any and all suggestions are much appreciated!

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