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Long Term Study Tips?

bennn LSATbennn LSAT Core Member
edited July 2019 in General 96 karma


I just recently started 7Sage with Ultimate+ and I’m loving it so far. I set my Study Schedule for the next 8-10 months because I’m working full time and am in school. My diagnostic was a 144 and I’m aiming for a 170+.

I’m set to complete the CC by October with 20 hours per week and then I will do one or two PTs with intensive BRing per week. I will continue to PT and BR weekly until I’m comfortable with my score and hope to sit for the real exam by around March/April so that I have June and July as backups because I intend to apply in September 2021.

Is this a good idea? I ask because I’ve noticed that most people study for this exam for three or four months.

Also, does anyone have any advice or tips for studying long term?

I already occasionally read the New York Times opinion articles for fun, but I’m willing to do more of it and pick up The Economist science section to increase my speed and interest levels in the science passages in RC. My school offers both for free to me and I enjoy it, so it’s no hassle at all to me.

Thank you!


  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    It might be true that most people only study for three or four months, but most people don't make the 25+ point gain that you are aiming for. I think your plan sounds great! My advice would be to make sure that you still have a life outside of studying. Yes, you will sometimes have to say no to other things in order to make time for studying. BUT you shouldn't say no every single time. You need to have a day or two per week to let your brain rest, especially if you are still in classes. Don't let your GPA slip because of the LSAT. You can always study more for the LSAT, but once you have your GPA it is set in stone.

  • bennn LSATbennn LSAT Core Member
    96 karma

    Thank you!! :)

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