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A Dumb question- but how to study after BR?

PrincessPrincess Alum Member
in General 821 karma

Usually when I take a PT, I score like 162-165 range. After my BR, I usually score like 172-176. I'm trying to do two tests per week, but ultimately the range isn't changing much. I feel like I just don't know how I am supposed to study. So, after the BR...what should I be doing? Yes, I do look at analytics and it'll say I missed a lot of flaw questions under time, but not under review. So,I've tried redoing CC, but I just don't understand what to do.

What do I do after BR? What sets or drills? Is it even possible to get a 170 by September. I'm losing hope at this point.


  • drbrown2drbrown2 Alum Member
    2227 karma

    @"Accounts Playable" podcast episode from the 7Sage podcast series (early episode) addresses this in detail. His BR routine helped me realize I was not doing enough during BR, but there is also a bit about drilling and reflection. The PTs are going to stay the same (with normal variation) until you have put in some serious work into addressing weaknesses in your understanding/timing strategies. You are obviously able to get most difficult questions correct in BR, but are you going deep enough in BR to fully know those questions inside and out?

  • MIT_2017MIT_2017 Alum Member
    470 karma

    Try drilling questions in the question bank. Filter on whatever question type you are interested in, using the old LSATs, and only level 4 or 5 difficulty. I feel like this is what helped bump me from consisntely scoring low 170s to mid-to-high 170s.

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