Behind on my Study Schedule - Push through or start PTs for Sept test?

arabellarabbatarabellarabbat Alum Member
in General 16 karma

Hi everyone! Thanks in advance for reading. The discussion title pretty much says it all. I'm following 7sage's Study Schedule for the September test and I've fallen almost 2 weeks behind. Not good. Should I continue and push through and really increase my studying where I can? Or should I just pick certain lessons and start doing more frequent PTs?

Thank you!!


  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    I think it depends on your goals and where you are currently. How many hours a day are you spending studying right now, and how much more would you have to study to catch up? Have you taken a diagnostic? If so, what was the score and what is your goal score?

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