**UPDATE** Webinar w/ former admissions reader at The University of Virginia + Edit Giveaway

David BusisDavid Busis Member Moderator
edited August 2019 in Webinars 7478 karma

UPDATE: If you missed the webinar, catch the replay here:

  1. Youtube
  2. 7Sage Podcast

Hi everyone,

On Wednesday, August 7, at 9:00 PM ET, I'll host a webinar with our own Brigitte Suhr, a former admissions reader at The University of Virginia Law School. We'll discuss what Brigitte did, when she gave a file with low numbers extra consideration, and how the files she saw could have been stronger. You’ll get a chance to ask your questions at the end.

:warning: You’ll have to register for this webinar in advance.

:cookie: After the webinar, we’ll award one attendee a free Edit Once (see https://7sage.com/admissions/enroll).

:warning: The webinar will be recorded, and we may post it on our site or on YouTube. We may also share the audio on our podcast.

→ Please register for the webinar here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/abbf19fc6d3f41f666858a512be5123a

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

If you want to ask a question, you should connect via a computer instead of calling in. We also recommend that you join the webinar a few minutes early and test your microphone.

admin. note: added replay update


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