PT1.S4.Q19 - Can any research be found

OnamshinOnamshin Alum Member
edited September 2019 in Logical Reasoning 77 karma

help Can you help me understand the conclusion and the answer choice of A.

Admin note: edited title; please use the format of "PT#.S#.Q# - [first set of words]"


  • Hopeful9812Hopeful9812 Member
    872 karma

    Here is my approach to PT 19-S4-Q19

    Conclusion of the argument is that there is no necessary connection between those who spend time pulling out grey hairs and have poor attitudes towards elderly than those who care less about their gray hairs.

    A = is correct because this matches the conclusion/main point of the argument. “dislike some of the physical concomitants of growing old” is referring to having grey hair.

    B = wrong because not the main point and doesn’t discuss that connection between elders and the aging process

    C = Since no one likes? Do we know what everyone likes? Not supported

    D = This sounded opinionated and off-topic to me because of the phrasing being elderly is fine but the process is not. This doesn’t address the main point of the argument.

    E = This doesn’t really touch on the main point of people who dislike grey hair don’t dislike the elderly. To me, this answer choice seems like it is bringing in various phrases mentioned in the prompt and combining them all together without addressing the main point.

    Hope this helps!

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