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Past, Present, and Future

mpits001mpits001 Alum Member
edited January 2015 in General 938 karma
Hello, again!

I'm writing this because I wanted some opinions and some personal testimonies on your journey with the LSAT. I want to get a 165+ on the June exam. Here's some back story.

I started studying for the LSAT in late August of 2014. I finished the curriculum, and scored a 147. I worked on really getting my LGs down and I peaked at 157 as my final PT before the December 2014 exam (I had scored three 156s on the PTs following the 157). Needless to say, I felt confident I'd at least receive a score of 155. In wasn't being cocky, I didn't brush off the difficulty of the exam (because a 157 isn't a super high score to begin with), but on test day the LGs killed me. I essentially put all my eggs into one basket and dropped that basket on test day. The one type of LG I tended to neglect (because I rarely saw them on PTs) came to haunt me, the in/out/grouping Rug game. Of course I can't contribute the full blame of my low score (147 on actual LSAT) on that specific logic game, because I got about 2-3 more questions wrong on RC and LR than I did on PTs (I contribute that more to jitters, though). HOWEVER, doing poorly in LG really did sink the ship for me. So I peaked at 157 and I want to hit a 165+ ON THE ACTUAL EXAM, not just on PTs. Is it possible to hit a 165+ or maybe even a 170? I raised in 10 points previously and was hoping another 8-10 wouldn't be impossible! Before, I had about 3 and 1/2 months to study, now I have ~6 months (re-finished the first week of the curriculum within 3 days). Also, there's the fear of burning out. Everyone is warning me about it. However, I feel super stressed all the time (5 classes, 25-30 hour work weeks, and 30-40 hours of LSAT a week), but studying for the LSAT is the only thing that reduces that stress. Yeah I put this stress on myself, but I'm sure a lot of future attorneys do the same thing, so I'm no different.

Ultimately I want to know if anyone else has been in a similar situation. Did you improve? What helped you improve? How much did you improve? Share your story if you have the time!


  • harrismeganharrismegan Member
    2074 karma
    My story sounds the exact same as yours, except that I started in September. I peaked at a 165 on the prep test, so when I got a 155 I was disappointed.

    Are you set on June? If you're not, why not space your LSAT prep out over a few more months and test in October? Best case, you hit your target score.... worst case, you hit just below and can retake again in December. Most applications accept the December score, which would be great!
    I think the major thing I learned was that.... the longer you prep, the better (most of the time) you'll do. With ALL that you've got going on, are you allowing your brain to absorb the material? I was like that too. Burning the wick at both ends so to speak and I don't think it was conducive to the best LSAT mark.... and it wasn't because I got a 155.

    My suggestion would be to wait until October :)
  • mpits001mpits001 Alum Member
    938 karma
    @harrismegan yeah I was wondering if I should wait it out till October, but there's a certain deadline I need to meet with my law school :(.. It's comforting to know I'm not the only one, though. Thank you for your input :)!
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