LR - Meeting your blind review scores (advice needed)

in General 776 karma

Hi everyone,

Just not sure if you have any tips, advice, personal experiences that you could share with respect to how you met your blind review scores for LR...

Right now my section scores really fluctuate - I can get anywhere between 15 - 20 right, and I am getting between -2 and under in BR. Has anyone else experienced this? Its quite annoying and frustrating and I dont want to lose hope on my progress lol.

thanks in advance


  • DivineRazeDivineRaze Alum Member
    556 karma

    @Trusttheprocess If your'e getting -2 in BR that means you have the concept down so its not a matter of having the skills its about how your'e using them under timed conditions perhaps.

  • lsatgodjklsatgodjk Alum Member
    edited September 2019 938 karma

    I'm at about your level in LR. I also can get 15-20 right on LR (Higher is probably due to lucky guesses), but I can get anywhere from 21 to 25 right on BR.

    I've been advised to incorporate skipping strategies. If you read a stimulus that you don't understand the first time, it's time to move on. The time you spend fumbling around with that stimulus, is time that can be used on a question that you will have a higher chance of getting right!

    For example, sometimes a necessary assumption question wont click and I might spend 4 minutes on it and get it wrong, but a longer parallel flaw question might also take 4 minutes, but the substance is easier to understand and I'm more likely to get that point correct. It's important to remember that ALL points are the same, and there is no reason to waste time on a question you don't understand. SKIP IT! Also, don't feel bad about skipping the earlier questions (1-10) because although they are generally easier, they are not ALWAYS easier. Skip it, come back.

    Also I've been told to practice doing 5 questions in 5 minutes, and then moving that up to 10, and then 15 in 15. I haven't gotten good enough to do this yet, but I've heard this is a skill a lot of high scorers carry in their arsenal.

    Lastly, go with your gut on the earlier questions (1-10). Time wasted second guessing is just that - time wasted. Often times your intuition is correct on those easier questions, don't let overthinking rob you of your precious time.

    TL;DR: Skipping strategies, timing strategies such as 5 in 5, and trust your gut!

    Please do keep in touch and fill me in on your progress! For this is something i'm trying to improve, too.

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