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⚖ Official September 2019 LSAT Discussion Thread ⚖

edited September 2019 in September 2019 LSAT 276 karma

Hey 7Sagers,

Here's the official September 2019 LSAT Discussion Thread.

Please keep all discussions of the September 2019 LSAT here!

You can identify experimental sections. 🙆‍♀️
You can say things such as the following:

  • I had two LGs! Was the LG with "flowers" real or experimental?
  • I had two RCs! Was the section that starts with the honeybee passage real?
  • I had three LRs! Does anyone know if the first LR section with the goose question is real?”

You can't discuss specific questions. 🙅‍♂️
You CANNOT say things such as the following:

  • Hey, the 3rd LG was sequencing and the last one was In/Out, right? (Don't mention the game type)
  • The last question in the first LR section was a lawgic heavy MBT! Was the answer (B)? (Don't mention the question type or ask what the answer was)
  • What was the answer for the last question of RC? I think it was an inference question? Was the answer (C)? (Don't mention the question type or ask what the answer was)


  • elias7291elias7291 Alum Member
    269 karma

    Good luck to everyone!

  • marmalademarmalade Member
    107 karma

    Good luck!

  • rbrevillerbreville Member
    67 karma

    Good luck all!! Happy hunger games! I’m not offering myself as tribute

  • ramonaramona Alum Member
    17 karma


  • Pride Only HurtsPride Only Hurts Alum Member
    2186 karma

    Good luck everyone! We got this!

  • GoldDiamondGoldDiamond Alum Member
    53 karma

    Good luck fellow 7sagers. Remember to go in feeling confident!

  • shekman.27shekman.27 Member
    16 karma

    Good luck everyone! Channel your inner JY today

  • TheTribeBoiTheTribeBoi Alum Member
    84 karma

    good luck!

  • zcohen0813zcohen0813 Alum Member
    64 karma

    Anyone else think the Logic Games section was the hardest one they've ever seen? I consistently get -3/-4 on LG and I only answered 11 questions on this one and guessed on the rest.

  • Shane C.Shane C. Alum Member
    131 karma

    I heard that the LG section with the animals (kittens etc. I think) was real. Can others confirm this?

  • zcohen0813zcohen0813 Alum Member
    64 karma

    @"Shane C." yes, I had that one too

  • jfresh34jfresh34 Alum Member
    5 karma

    Was the LG that had muscial sequence the real or experimental?

  • hibabubbahibabubba Alum Member
    37 karma

    That LG section was brutal. I've never seen anything like the flowers game.

  • piercewriter96piercewriter96 Free Trial Member
    115 karma

    The first question on the second game needs to be re-evaluated. Made me waste so much time on supposedly “easy” question. Is it even possible for two answer choice comply with all the rules?

  • Anonymouse-1Anonymouse-1 Alum Member
    edited September 2019 189 karma

    Can confirm. The (Cat/Dog), (Flowers) and (7 display circular) LG section was the hardest I have ever taken. I walked out after this section. There is only supposed to be one crazy game per newer LSAT and this one felt like there were 2.5....

    Cancelling score and retaking.

  • youbbyunyoubbyun Alum Member
    1755 karma

    O wow LG was tough. I had 2 LG. Which one was experimental? LG LR LG RC Lr. I think the first LG is real. Anyone only have 1 LG?

  • osclsatgalosclsatgal Free Trial Member
    14 karma

    I had two LG - was the LG section with the 7 items lined up in a circle real?

  • youbbyunyoubbyun Alum Member
    1755 karma

    @oliviacallan yes I believe that was real. That section was brutal. Anyone else feel similar???

  • Anonymouse-1Anonymouse-1 Alum Member
    edited September 2019 189 karma

    @rbreville said:

    Good luck all!! Happy hunger games! I’m not offering myself as tribute

    This seemingly harmless comment turned out to be prophetic... this truly was the hunger GAMES

  • patel.2780patel.2780 Alum Member
    50 karma

    Was the RC w the passage about bacteria surviving in the sea real?

  • osclsatgalosclsatgal Free Trial Member
    14 karma

    How’d you know it was real - was that the only LG section you had? > @"Anonymouse-1" said:

    Can confirm. The (Cat/Dog), (Flowers) and (7 display circular) LG section was the hardest I have ever taken. I walked out after this section. There is only supposed to be one crazy game per newer LSAT and this one felt like there were 2.5....

    Cancelling score and retaking.

  • osclsatgalosclsatgal Free Trial Member
    14 karma

    yeah I only had one RC and I had that passage > @"patel.2780" said:

    Was the RC w the passage about bacteria surviving in the sea real?

  • Anonymouse-1Anonymouse-1 Alum Member
    edited September 2019 189 karma

    @oliviacallan said:
    How’d you know it was real - was that the only LG section you had? > @"Anonymouse-1" said:

    Sorry. Admittedly my phrasing could have been better but I was responding to ZCohen who asked if it was the hardest they'd seen. My confirmation was that it was the hardest seen, not that it was the real game.

    @"patel.2780" might be able to tell us though because it seems that they got two RC sections.

  • JPCAY12234JPCAY12234 Free Trial Member
    49 karma

    I consistently get -0 or -1 on Logic Games and that section was the most brutal I’ve ever seen.

    I’m not even sure the Flower one had enough restrictions.

  • tristan.locke1tristan.locke1 Alum Member
    100 karma

    Did anyone with 2 LR sections have a question on Swahili temples?

  • piercewriter96piercewriter96 Free Trial Member
    115 karma

    I had only one LG section. I usually get -4 but I think I only got 10 to 11 questions right this time. The LR sections seem a lot easier and RC was just as expected. You guys think it’s worth canceling?

  • Anonymouse-1Anonymouse-1 Alum Member
    189 karma

    @piercewriter96 said:
    I had only one LG section. I usually get -4 but I think I only got 10 to 11 questions right this time. The LR sections seem a lot easier and RC was just as expected. You guys think it’s worth canceling?

    If you think you only got 10 or 11 right that means you got 12 or 13 wrong. Not a great start because that a -12 to 13 baseline before taking into account potential errors in LR and RC.

    Maybe keep if you dont have a score on file. Its generally good to show improvement (and you can blame the new digital testing format in addendum. If you have a score on file and this is potentially much worse, cancel. I dont think its a positive if your score dips... it might raise some red flags.

  • rbrevillerbreville Member
    67 karma

    I had 3 LR(I’m unsure as to which we’re real) , 1 RC (the one with lies/mistakes) and 1LG(the one with the flowers)

    I feel pretty strong about this test

  • jacoblokashjacoblokash Alum Member
    58 karma

    Wow, that was insane. I only had one LG section and it was the one with the flowers, and kittens/puppies. Hardest I've ever come across; I could answer maybe 13 and I usually get -2/-0. I have a feeling that the Swahili temples question LR section was experimental. Can any confirm?

  • hzheng73hzheng73 Free Trial Member
    16 karma

    @oliviacallan said:
    How’d you know it was real - was that the only LG section you had? > @"Anonymouse-1" said:

    it is real, and the hardest lg section in my life. I only had one lg today so can confirm that.

  • jessicacejessicace Alum Member
    90 karma

    @"patel.2780" said:
    Was the RC w the passage about bacteria surviving in the sea real?

    Unfortunately yes :(

  • Pride Only HurtsPride Only Hurts Alum Member
    2186 karma

    Wow. LG. First two games we’re uncharacteristically time consuming so bu game 3 i was flustered. Misread a rule in the flower game and well... seems like they finally broke the trend with this one. Rest of the test was very normal.

  • jessicacejessicace Alum Member
    90 karma

    Does anyone remember how many questions the flower game had? I'm trying to estimate my score

  • piercewriter96piercewriter96 Free Trial Member
    115 karma

    If everyone does bad on this logic game section, is LSAC going to curve our scores? I’m confuse.

  • Darth KermitDarth Kermit Alum Member
    12 karma

    My test is being rescheduled because there is flooding around the test center

  • Anonymouse-1Anonymouse-1 Alum Member
    189 karma

    @piercewriter96 said:
    If everyone does bad on this logic game section, is LSAC going to curve our scores? I’m confuse.

    They could but it would probably only be a point or two. (e.g. -11 or -12 for 170) instead of the typical -10

  • berathocamberathocam Alum Member
    164 karma

    pardon my french but this LG. this! nothing could have prepared me for this f.ckin nonsense

  • _iamnw96_iamnw96 Alum Member
    437 karma

    Hardest LG section I’ve ever done and I must have done at least 50 LG sections total in my studying. I usually score -1/-3. This time, I think I bombed two of the games, and the other two I’m sure I didn’t get all right. I don’t even know what to do, most likely going to cancel.

  • _iamnw96_iamnw96 Alum Member
    437 karma

    Also, my test center had so many technical difficulties and we started a full two hours later. Is this sufficient grounds to complain to LSAC?

  • 232 karma

    To those who take the test today, I wanted to ask if the tools for highlighting and underlining were easy to use for the RC. Were you provide scratch paper to make the lo res summaries for the reading comp? How easy was it the diagram to the arguments for LR?

  • tristan.locke1tristan.locke1 Alum Member
    100 karma

    Any idea if the personality elasticity for first born children was in the experimental section?

  • jessicacejessicace Alum Member
    90 karma

    @"Atticus Kingsfield" said:
    To those who take the test today, I wanted to ask if the tools for highlighting and underlining were easy to use for the RC. Were you provide scratch paper to make the lo res summaries for the reading comp? How easy was it the diagram to the arguments for LR?

    Highlighting- easy to use.
    You get a booklet of scratch paper for the entire test, it's more than enough if you use front and back. diagramming is the same as normal.

  • genbythesunrisegenbythesunrise Alum Member
    32 karma

    @oliviacallan said:
    I had two LG - was the LG section with the 7 items lined up in a circle real?

    Yes. Definitely real. I had that one. I only had 1 LG section, and had three LR sections.

  • Trees are GoneTrees are Gone Alum Member
    192 karma

    That LG was absurd. Every game had its unique component to trip people. Holy shit.

  • Pride Only HurtsPride Only Hurts Alum Member
    2186 karma

    @"Atticus Kingsfield" said:
    To those who take the test today, I wanted to ask if the tools for highlighting and underlining were easy to use for the RC. Were you provide scratch paper to make the lo res summaries for the reading comp? How easy was it the diagram to the arguments for LR?

    The stylus was very responsive. I enjoyed the tablet format. Was exactly like 7 sage although I only practiced on a desktop. I HATED the scratch paper they provided. There’s a giant watermark in the middle and it was honestly so distracting. Maybe it’s just me.

  • piercewriter96piercewriter96 Free Trial Member
    115 karma

    The first game was time consuming, the second game was tricky because of one word, the third game didn’t have a lot of restriction and the fourth game, I don’t think a lot of people even attempt.

  • Pride Only HurtsPride Only Hurts Alum Member
    edited September 2019 2186 karma

    @piercewriter96 said:
    The first game was time consuming, the second game was tricky because of one word, the third game didn’t have a lot of restriction and the fourth game, I don’t think a lot of people even attempt.

    I think the fourth game was actually pretty easy and the writer knew most people would waste their time on game 3.

  • BairnOwlBairnOwl Alum Member
    61 karma

    Four difficult games. I don't know how it's possible for anyone to be able to finish within the time limit.

  • sbnewman98sbnewman98 Alum Member
    19 karma

    @"Atticus Kingsfield" said:
    To those who take the test today, I wanted to ask if the tools for highlighting and underlining were easy to use for the RC. Were you provide scratch paper to make the lo res summaries for the reading comp? How easy was it the diagram to the arguments for LR?

    I had a really hard time using the highlighter on RC

  • sbnewman98sbnewman98 Alum Member
    19 karma

    Which LR sections were real?

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