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Help!! I can't decide if I should cancel

kkooker234kkooker234 Alum Member

Thank you in advance for any advice!

I have a weird history with the LSAT where I took the 2018 September LSAT cold because I have old school lawyers in my family that said "you don't need to study for the LSAT. If you don't do well you're not meant for law school." So I went in thinking I could do it. Obviously, I scored poorly and was very upset. I also didn't know anything about the LSAT at the time so I didn't know that cancelling a score was an option. (I apologize if y'all are eye rolling while reading this...) I graduating in May and decided to study over the summer, getting my PTs up in the 160-165 range. I went into 2019 September LSAT knowing I would perform in that range if I did well on Logic Games. Well, like most people LG killed me in the first section and I was looking for another LG the rest of the test. I cannot gauge how I did on the other sections even though I didn't feel like I struggled on Reading Comp as much as I have on PTs this summer. I cannot remember anything about the LR sections which makes me so nervous.

I was already registered for the November LSAT so I am definitely taking that now. I am just so confused reading everybody's posts about what law schools consider with multiple LSAT scores. How would it look if I have a terrible score from last year, a cancelled score for September, then retake November and score much better?

I will absolutely be submitting an addendum regarding last year's test but I just don't know what to do. I know this score will be higher than last year, but if it isn't dramatically higher I feel like law schools will look at it and say "she only improved that much after a year of studying?" and put more weight on last year's score.

Please help!!!!!

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