PT7.S1.Q24 - Many major scientific discoveries

akitagogoakitagogo Alum Member

Hi everyone, just want to confirm the validity of the answer choices. I find this question confusing, even though I can see (A) is the best AC.
The breakdown of the core is:
ignore anything not directly related to the funded research ——> serendipity is no longer a part of scientific discovery
I can eliminate B,D,E on first read, and after looking into (A), it's essentially saying: directly related——> purposefully seek(no serendipity)
So the conclusion of the argument can go like: ignore anything not directly related to the funded research——>focus on only the directly related stuff——>purposefully seek(no serendipity)——>serendipity is no longer a part of scientific discovery Correct?
However, I still feel like (A) is just the contrapositive of the conclusion! If so, does it work for necessary assumption questions to use contrapositives as the bridge?
Also, is (C) wrong because "personally prefer" is a big stretch?
Thanks a lot!

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