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"is required" necessary/sufficiency?

Hello fellow 7Sagers,

I am currently in the core curriculum on Intro to Logic and I am also using the Loophole. Both are amazing but I am hung up on "is required". In the Loophole the example is, "One man in his time is required to play many parts". In the book, the conditional is
M ->PMP or /PMP -> /M. However, in the core curriculum the example is, "Practice is required to be a skilled artist". Thus,
sa → P or /P → /sa. My confusion is in the necessary and sufficiency so could someone explain to me in more detail how to diagram "is required" correctly? Because in the Loophole required is considered a necessary condition indicator.


  • DivineRazeDivineRaze Alum Member
    edited November 2019 550 karma

    @connersieck When something is required that is a necessary condition. "One man in his time is required to play many parts". Whats required in this example? It's required to play many parts. "Practice is required to be a skilled artist". Whats required in this example? Practice is required. Hence why practice is on the necessary side. Try asking yourself whats required instead of going off if it's after or before "required".

  • CSieck3507CSieck3507 Member
    1376 karma

    @DivineRaze Thank you! that makes a lot more sense. Just have to practice more and I'll get it down.

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