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Sign Up for January?

johnnylawjohnnylaw Alum Member
in General 48 karma

Would love to hear feedback from folks who have been here before...I am applying this cycle for Fall 2020 start. I’ll be 30 when I do start and prefer not to delay applying any longer (military background) and really want to start on this next phase of my life becoming a lawyer.

I took in 2016 and scored a 161. I took the July and canceled after I scored a 157. After a lot of time and studying I was PTing 164-168 fairly consistently. Yesterday’s test felt more difficult for me but not enough to cancel. I honestly don’t know where it will fall though; gut feel is on the lower end but fingers crossed.

Because I have the July cancel, I have a voucher for a free retake. Should I sign up for January and if November comes back with a score I can be ok with, I could just not take January? I have almost all of my application materials complete besides a couple LORs and school specific essays. I am likely going to apply to GULC early decision. My plan was to hit send on apps before the new year. If I wait till January then I’m delaying that by at least 6 weeks and applying late in the game. Scholarships are not really a priority, just desire getting into the best school I can to go into BigLaw.

Also, last but not least...I really don’t have the willpower or desire to push myself like I did from July to November. I had mixed emotions leaving the test, but the good was all to do with being done and moving on. However I also recognize I let the pressure get to me more than it should have on this test and I could do better. Any thoughts or stories for perspective would be helpful!

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