PT89.S1.Q18-23 (G4) - Ghana, France, India (factory sites)

reihanreihan Member
edited January 2020 in Logic Games 6 karma

Hi guys,

Does anyone know how to approach this final game? Is it a three layer sequencing game? I was dumbfounded with the rule that none of V, W, Y, Z could be in a column (visit a country more than once).

Your help/explanation to approaching this LG would be very appreciated!

Thanks so much!

Admin note: edited title; please use the format of "PT#.S#.Q# (G#) - [brief description]"


  • Michael.CincoMichael.Cinco Member Sage
    edited January 2020 2116 karma

    I would actually label this game a 4 group hybrid sequencing game. Your 4 groups are The 3 countries and the out group for the person who does not visit a country that year.

    I think most people come into this game with a chunk of time as the first two games are fairly quick.

    This is a game that lends itself to templates very well as the rules neatly allow you to split the possibilities 2 different ways depending on the placement of double block in Ghana (and if you are able to make an inference about who must visit countries in year 4)

    You could also forgo templates altogether and just use the rules to tackle the game and be relatively ok (you still need to make that inference about year 4 though)

    I actually found the rule based approach to be easier and cleaner than the template approach but that is personal preference

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